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Same Day appointments Available.
Health Checks
If you feel that you are not as
energetic and optimistic as
If you want to do many things, but
something is stopping you;
whether it is a shoulder headache
or leg pain…
If your pain and lack of energy
doesn’t allow you to work and play
the way you want to…
If you want to know what lies
beneath the surface of you not
being 100%
We can give you an
assessment with a full
2511 St. Johns Bluff Rd.
Suite 102
Jacksonville, Florida 32246
Dr. Shane Alexander:
If you are searching for pain relief, need an alternative to traditional surgery
and injections, looking for a chiropractor in Jacksonville or Jacksonville
Beach, you've come to the right place.
Our Center is dedicated to treating every patient as an individual and not as
a condition. This means we plan care, which emphasizes the patient's
individual needs, with dignity and strict confidentiality.
The care given at ALEXANDER CHIROPRACTIC will be research based
and delivered with the
highest standards. In addition, advice, support
and information will be available in order to help our patients make the